Friday, March 20, 2015

Five for Friday-- Spring Break Style!

Spring Break!

I started break with cleaning!  Took Emerson out for a dog haircut, cleaned the carpets, sorted out winter clothes!

St. Patrick's Day!!  That's my little cutie of a grandson.  Teenagers and I did some spring clothes shopping.  I survived Forever 21, which I am NOT!

Date Night, after basketball, Mr. Davis and I got to watch Horrible Bosses 2, sadly I didn't think it was as funny as the first one.


My absolute favorite time of year! March Madness is like a holiday at our house!  everyone fills out a bracket -- winner chooses dinner and activity.  (I'm losing already, DARN  Iowa State & Baylor.) 
NO worries Kansas plays today!!!  (Sorry Mr. Davis - I didn't see Mizzou on the bracket! HMMmmmmmm.)
 Still having a pencil sharpener giveaway, scroll farther down to enter. I'd love for you to get the most amazing pencil sharpener I have ever used!!


Sunday, March 15, 2015

BEST Pencil Sharpener EVER!! Giveaway!!

Oh my goodness!!!

We got the absolute best pencil sharpener this week!!

I was out surfing the web looking for a replacement sharpener.  Imagine that, my first graders have ruined yet another sharpener!  (One of those super expensive ones-- that allegedly don't break--hahaha!!!)

I found several blogs talking about Classroom Friendly Pencil Sharpener.  I read the reviews and watched this video. 

I must say, I was intrigued.  So I ordered one!

I anxiously awaited it's arrival.  I was literally stalking our mail delivery guy.  (He was not flattered.)

Then, It ARRIVED!!!


My kids were waiting too.  I definitely had slacked on sharpening their pencils.  I couldn't use that yucky old sharpener from the teacher work room one last time.  Soooooooo...... we had A LOT pencils to sharpen.  Luckily, my kids were up for the challenge.

 Step one pinch the top of the sharpener to load the pencil in!
Step two Twist the handle three or four times, it doesn't take much!

Step three ENJOY super sharpened pencils!!!! 

REPEAT, approximately 50 more times!!!

This is without a doubt the best sharpener I have EVER used!  I have been teaching, both big and little kiddos, and I can honestly say it is quiet, easy to use, and well made.  Everyone needs to run out and buy one of these!  It is worth every penny! 

You don't want to pend a penny, do you??  So enter my GIVEAWAY!!


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Five for Friday.... a little late!

I made cute little baggies of St. Patrick's day Lucky Charms for my firsties.

We got a new pencil sharpener!  I'll be blogging about it later.  It is the BOMB!!

My grandson is ONE month old!  YIKES! 

Farm Unit 


Cows came to visit us at school.  Thanks, Mr. Strobel!

Peachwave (Mrs. Mannon's mom) came  to teach us about making frozen yogurt.  We had to sample toppings too!  Gummy worms were our favorite.