I moved to a new school! Now I am teaching Kindergarten!!! Of course
my teaching BFF is right next door!
a peek at my room!
I survived Camp Kindergarten – it’s where we mix up all the full day kinders and then try and find the right mix for each class. It must have worked, since I have 20 fabulous kiddos.
Here's my principal, half day Kindergarten, My Teacher BFF, and myself after the world's longest Camp Kindergarten day! WE are still smiling. (FYI - I wore the blue shirt for a week! Thank goodness for the fast wash setting on my washer.)
My grandson has gotten big!!! He's nearly 7 months old now. He's all about the selfies. More accurately, he wants to eat my phone.
I may have gotten a personalized candy jar and water glass.
(Oh, I changed my name! Since I got married this summer when I was in Las Vegas at the TPT conference!!)