So glad to get a day off to sleep in! Kansas has some seriously rainy weather which is perfect for sleeping in. I didn't get up early even though Watson wanted to party. Tiny dog doesn't seem to remember summer vacation. He seems to need a reminder that we don't need to be up at 6:00am EVERY morning.
Another great thing about Memorial Day this year - oldest daughter, aka Navy girl may get to come and visit before she'd shipped out to who knows where. He she is in her dress whites.
She's super smiley because her man, let me clarify her Marine, was on his way back to the states. He made it back after a L-O-N-G tour. Yesterday they got to hang out together on the beach!
Aren't they cute?
Anyway, here's a BIG thank you to my favorite Navy girl and Marine! (Also, a BIG Thanks to my Dad, Alan Nelson, retired USMC!)