Sunday, November 16, 2014

Globe Trotting Turkeys - and A bit of globe trotting Ms. Lander

I moved!
I finally relocated back to my favorite place!  Suburban Kansas City!  No more 25-35 minute commute!  No more construction!! WOO HOO!!  I can be bop into school in a matter of minutes,  which is awesome.  I can run in for 30 minutes on a Sunday and make copies when NO ONE is there!  That means I can hog both copiers. 
The little girls (Not that they are actually little) and I moved last weekend.  Not the best move everWE definitely did not have enough movers, they sent 2 guys not the 3 requested.  AND they definitely wrecked my floor under the washer.  Not awesome!  The moving company refunded me a whole $65 for the floor damage and promised me $25 towards my Go Fund Me, but I definitely have not seen the $$ on Go Fund Me.  I’m trying to fund a Thanksgiving feast for First Grade.  I’d happily accept any help I can get!
BUT we moved!  The house is all set up, not a single box left.  The new place feels good, we are all settled and loving it. We have hung up all the art, and got out the Christmas tree. 
 YEP, it’s up! 
We hung up the stockings too!  AND got out the ELF on the shelf!  Who knows what trouble the little guy will get into this year.  LOL!
TINY dog is starting to get the hang of the new place.  HE still barks at E.V.E.R.Y. single noise.  This includes people coming home at all hours.  LITERALLY.  He's surveying his kingdom in this photo. 
I managed to get my Unit 3 Journeys Bundle together and up on TPT before the move.
I finished a GLOBE TROTTING TURKEY math puzzle activity for the next couple of weeks.  My kids LOVE to put these together and then count using the counting sequence to check to see if they are correct.  We have been working on non-traditional starting points.  We also need to practice counting by 10s starting at places other than 10- say 16, and count up 16, 26, 36, and so on.
Here's a little FREEBIE for you.
Happy Sunday!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

November Currently

So I can see it's been awhile since I posted.  I have such good intentions, and then life happens!!!

Here some reasons (excuses) as to why I have been missing lately!  (Other than being a teacher.)  I'm linking up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade.
Listening to the washer, because no one is even up yet!  I know it's FALL back, but my tiny dog friend was not informed. Please note after he pranced all over me and tortured me to get up, he is now asleep in my arm.  One armed typing is not fast or accurate if you are wondering.
Loving the cooler temperatures.  Wish we didn't skip fall entirely in Kansas, but the 80 degree days can take a brief leave of absence.  I own a lot of sweaters, and they need to be worn!
Thinking my lovely Ali should be home soon!  As in out of the Navy, moving in with me (and her sisters) so I can hold the grand baby in February! This is the newest development in my already busy life.  A happy one, but it has caused some changes.  The girl is coming home!!  I am for real going to be doing some baby holding.  AND I am going to need to move!
Thus, I am wanting another day to rest.  How about a day between Sunday and Monday? Anyone?

I NEED to finish packing!  I have most of the house in boxes.  With the daughter coming home- no car, and the other 3 of us already sharing two cars, being 30 minutes away from Olathe is too much.   So happy, happy, joy, joy... the girls and I are off to a new place.  (A tiny place.)  That's all girls and eventually one very small baby boy!  (And Emerson of course!)
Finally, I have been scouring all the blogs/Pinterest on small spaces.  We will have 1300 square feet with 4 of us and a baby.  I have measured, down sized, multi-purposed EVERYTHING I can.  I feel good about it, I feel even better about being close to work.  I love that we can support Ali, and we benefit from the little dude.  BUT I am slightly concerned about space.  Baby is getting a mini crib.  Kate and I repainted/refreshed the dresser,  I used as a changing table with Libby (nearly 17 years ago!)  I had the sewing machine tuned up so I can make little guy all the bedding and nursery décor.  I'm waiting for Ali to pick what she wants.  Personally, I love those little woodland creatures that just keep popping up.  Who doesn't love little foxes and raccoons?? (However, I do VIVIDLY recall how I felt about my mother's input --- so I will be supportive and keep my mouth shut!)

That's why I have been crazy busy aka missing from the blog!  I forgot to mention, I also made a personal TPT goal and I'm having a SALE!