OHHHHHH Boy!!!!!
Look!!!! My name has changed!!! Woo Hoo!! Last place I needed to update with Mrs. Davis. Now to decide if I need to update every single product I've ever made..... Hmmmmmm.......
Hooking up with Farley at
Oh Boy Fourth Grade for this month's currently.
So I live in the suburbs of this awesome place called Kansas City, Home of the Kansas City Royals, THE team that WON the World Series, we do that every 30 years or so. I vaguely remember the last time, because I was in junior high/high school. I didn't live in KC, I lived on the farm in Nebraska. Which if you are from the Mid-West, you'll understand, it's close enough! Any way, did I mention I hate baseball? Not a huge fan. This year was different, the team was different. The games were interesting. The player personalities were engaging. My teaching bestie and I liked the Royals besties of Salvador Perez and Lorenzo Cain. This picture pretty much sums up Amy and I, and the KC Royals season!

So we WON the World Series. Which is WAY AWESOME! I didn't expect in a million years that we'd get a day off school. Our amazing principal was doing her best to make sure those of us that wanted to attend the parade could. I wasn't going to go to the parade, crowds make me panic, but rather I was going to go and cover my daughter's class as part of the creative coverage. (She teaches 1st grade at another school in our district.) Turns out, she can go to the parade and I get a day to RELAX and enjoy the fall weather!!! I can watch on T.V. and work at home! Best gift ever!
Thank you to all Kansas City area schools.
I want more time with my grandson. He and his mom moved to Arizona last week. It was a bit of a shock. I will miss the little guy, but if it means a better job for his mama, then it's for the best, I took the little one on a farewell tour last week. We visited Aunt Kate's school, my school, Mr. Davis at the store, we dropped lunch off at high school for his BFF and then hung out at home one last time. Here's some snap shots of our day.
Aunt Kate did you want the library baskets labelled? I can pull this one off if you need help.
Amy, Grandma gave me goldfish, want to see?
Grandma, you sure have a lot of stuff on your desk.
It's Mr. Davis!
Lunch date at Subway. This boy doesn't miss any meals!
Off to High School, every one should enjoy a Subway sandwich and chips!
Home to hang with Emmy!
Last baby snuggles!!!
With any luck the little guy will be back to visit soon.
If not, I may need to take a quick trip to Arizona!!
Lesson plans..... seriously..... every single week I need some of these.
When do I not need to work on them. It's not happening today, maybe tomorrow.
Yummy, yummy in my tummy, cranberry sauce. I make homemade cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving. I've been making it for nearly 25 years. Honestly I think the recipe came from some cooking magazine. At this point it's one of those a little of this, some of that kinds of recipes. My kids actually still beg for it, and still take it in their lunches. STILL...

Here's how I make it. Get a bag or two of fresh cranberries, throw in a big pan. Chop up at least 3 (I use 6) Granny Smith apples into bite sized pieces, add to cranberries. Pour in 1/4 to 1/2 cup water. (Seriously, you don't need much.) Sprinkle cinnamon on top, mix in. Juice 2 or 3 oranges, add fresh juice to mixture. (DO NOT use actual orange juice from a bottle, trust me.) NOW the critical part, sugar. I start with 2 cups. Mix everything together and let simmer. It needs to cook for at least an hour. Stir as it simmers. The cranberries will pop, that's a good sign all is going well. Feel free to call the fam during this process. (That's part of my tradition.) As the berries pop and the whole mixture starts to jell up feel free to taste. You may need more cinnamon or more sugar. You really need to make that decision for yourself! Once it's extremely jelly-ish, it's done!! It will keep in the fridge for months. At our house maybe a week or less, due to all the eaters!!