SOOOOOOO....... Kansas City Royals WON the World Series. The games may have been seriously interfering with my teaching/sleeping schedule. Goodness knows we seem to love extra innings! Love the celebrations! My two favorites are the team and the radar filled with fireworks! My kindergarteners may have been really, really squirrely on Monday.
WE had a tough day on Monday! Thank goodness we had an awesome presentation courtesy of Mr. Glover, a fabulous kindergartener's uncle. He talked all about being a Federal Fire Fighter and his work for the state in wild life conservation.
Look at those cool animal furs! It was so interesting hearing about the different animals that we have in Kansas. I was amazed at the softness and thickness of the fur. I am thinking a beaver coat may need to be in my future for recess duty!
So my daughter was down there with 500,000 of her closest friends! I was at home watching up close and personal on my T.V., because they CLOSED school!!
Roughly 25 schools closed for the celebration Tuesday.
This is CRAZY!!!! and AWESOME!!!!
The chair-less classroom is working out well!! The kiddos seem to have adjusted to working where they are most comfortable. We've got kiddos at my guided reading table on stools, standers, leaners, kids on their knees, kids at Hawaii (our vacation spot aka tiny table and chairs), laying and sitting on the rug. I literally ran around the room taking pictures because everyone was working!! I am anxiously awaiting my Donor's Choose Grant to be approved and up. I want to get yoga balls, wiggle seats, an teeny, tiny leatherish chairs!!!
My favorite part of Kindergarten, the love notes! I already have a pretty big stack. This one is from a little sweetie that came in knowing 3 letters (not the ones in her name). Now she knows almost all of them. I love how the kid blossom. Kindergarten is my favorite!!

Hello Mrs. Davis! I am also a Mrs. Davis which is the reason I caught your logo on the Five for Friday link up. I love your concept of the chair-less classroom. My classroom is a science lab and we have stools, but rarely use them. The kids are working and moving too much! I find they sit on top of the lab tables in order to reach their structures and I am ok with that! Have a great weekend!
Teachers Are Terrific!