Monday, March 19, 2012

So Tired!!

I am simply exhausted! Thank goodness we had a professional development day.  I am certainly out of practice getting up at 6:30am.  Yikes!!  I gotta pull myself together.  At least I had the presence of mind to crock pot some yummy pulled pork for dinner. 

I also need to gather some things together for one of my little darlin's.  A sweet little boy in my class had emergency surgery over Spring Break.  His doctor found a mass on his kidney and it had to be removed.  They are immigrants from Africa and this could be financially devestating for their family. Please keep him and his family in your prayers!

Amanda over at One Extra Degree is hosting a great give away.  Check out her Very Hungry Caterpillar Give Away.  Pretty awesome stuff!!!



  1. I was so tired this morning...but so were my kiddos. I think with them being so sleepy and quiet it helped make the other ones very quiet too (the ones who usually are needing reminders to be quiet)! =)

    I am glad I found you and now follow you.

    Come hop over to my place this week for some Easter/Spring *freebies*! =)

    Heather's Heart

  2. As I came back to stalk you some more, I noticed you talking about your kiddos receiving free or reduced lunch. That is pretty much the kiddos I teach. 16 out of my 17 kiddos are already identified as at-risk. Most of my kiddos have very sad home situations. I sometimes see the pictures of the children on other blogs and then compare it to my kiddos.....way different.

    One of the things that has been amazing in my classroom is Conscious Discipline. It is all about creating the school family and is amazing. I would love for you to come read more about it! =)

    Heather's Heart
