I moved!
I finally relocated back to my favorite place! Suburban Kansas City! No more 25-35 minute commute! No more construction!! WOO HOO!! I can be bop into school in a matter of minutes, which is awesome. I can run in for 30 minutes on a Sunday and make copies when NO ONE is there! That means I can hog both copiers.
The little girls (Not that they are actually little) and
I moved last weekend. Not the best move
ever—WE definitely
did not have enough movers, they sent 2 guys not the 3 requested. AND they definitely wrecked my floor under
the washer. Not awesome! The moving company refunded me a whole $65
for the floor damage and promised me $25 towards my Go Fund Me, but I definitely have
not seen the $$ on Go Fund Me. I’m
trying to fund a Thanksgiving feast for First Grade. I’d happily accept any help I can get!
BUT we moved! The
house is all set up, not a single box left. The new place feels good, we are all settled and loving it.
We have hung up all the art, and got out the Christmas tree.
YEP, it’s up!
TINY dog is starting to get the hang of the new
place. HE still barks at E.V.E.R.Y.
single noise. This includes people
coming home at all hours.
LITERALLY. He's surveying his kingdom in this photo.
I managed to get my Unit 3 Journeys Bundle together and up on TPT before the move.
I finished a GLOBE TROTTING TURKEY math puzzle activity for the next couple of weeks. My kids LOVE to put these together and then count using the counting sequence to check to see if they are correct. We have been working on non-traditional starting points. We also need to practice counting by 10s starting at places other than 10- say 16, and count up 16, 26, 36, and so on.
Here's a little FREEBIE for you.
Happy Sunday!