Goal Setting With Kindergartners
Our school has a
weekly “Tune Up” Tuesday, where we review procedures and routines. We also teach/review a social skill. Each week varies from restroom “tune up”,
indoor recess review, or walking in the halls.
This week we choose an item out of our Chinese take-out box. Our “Tune
Up” for the week was to discuss the number of Goldens we had received as a class.
(A Golden is awarded to each K-2 and 3-5 class from the specialists. This week our class won the Golden Award for Computers. YAY!!!!)
We talked about what
we needed to do to get a Golden in all the other specials. (Lunch, Music, P.E., Art, Counselor,
and Library) We discussed our behavior – following directions
the first time was mentioned more
than once. So was LISTENING!! No surprise there was
talk of taking care of yourself, aka NO TATTLING!!
We made a list of
rewards. We figured out we had 6 special Goldens to earn, and DONUTS has 6 letters! WHAT?!! Guess what else has 6 letters? RECESS!!
So we are earning a very special recess with donuts as a snack.
I whipped up a
visual for my class to help keep us on track. I am hoping these delicious donuts help us focus. If nothing else they may just make us hungry.
Speaking of Hungry
I was super motivated by all the IG pictures of Gold OREOs. I went out and found the Wilton gold spray and turned my Oreos into leprechaun GOLD! We are finishing up our story Jamie O'Rourke and the Big Potato.
It only seems fitting to eat some leprechaun gold. I made enough for my class and my next door neighbor. Good thing I bought 2 cans of spray-- the backs didn't get as much gold, but it still tastes delicious according to my taste testers.
I think it seems like a great way to start our Spring Break. We will be hanging at home -- Any one else have fun plans?

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