Saturday, June 28, 2014

Guess who's part of Tabitha's Totally Swwet 1,000 floower GIVEAWAY?!!!!

I am giving away $10 to my store! 
Guess What?! 
ONE HUNDRED other bloggers are
giving away $10 too! 
That’s a $1,000 GIVEAWAY!!! 

I've teamed up with the best of the best TpT sellers for what I'm sure will be an amazing giveaway! 10 winners will each win one of the prize packages listed below. Each package contains a $10 shopping spree to 10 different stores- that a $100 shopping spree and a total of $1000 in products in all!

You can enter right from my page. Best of luck! 


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Guided Math Chapter 5

I think the use of small groups impacts my teaching in a positive manner.  Working with small flexible groups (guided reading) has helped my students become fluent readers, so it only makes sense that small math groups would help my students acquire math skills.

If you are following along, you know that my school district uses enVision.  I have been using it to teach for the past 3 years.  I love it!!  I do use whole group instruction, but I break things down into groups based on student need.  Next year I am hoping to do even more!  This means I need even more organization and planning.  I know that I will need high quality activities for students that are not working with me.  This means I need to get on it!! 
I did get 5 apple themed math centers ready for the beginning of the year. I have practice counting by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s.  Addition and Subtraction fluency 0-20, comparing numbers using; numerals, tens and ones, tally marks, dice and dominoes, and just for fun a Bump game!  I will be giving one away, make sure you enter the Rafflecopter!

I work for a large suburban school district.  We have a large number of beginning of year assessments, mid year assessments, and end of year assessments.  All known to my co-workers as BOY, MOY, and EOY.  My district loves acronyms! 
That's the tip of the assessment iceberg!  I have MTSS intervention screenings, student work samples, student observations, and formal classroom assessments.  I can disaggregate data in my sleep.

I feel like I can use some of my required assessments to make flexible groups.  I hope that using small groups will further my students math learning!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

6 months 'til Christmas Sale

Only 6 months until Christmas? 
I need to get it together!
I created a new set of Snowy Math centers.


You should check them out!  They are on sale the 24th and 25th!  Actually, my entire store is on sale.
We are also having a giveaway!  Go see Tabitha, at The Learning Highway!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Summer Stock Up


Puppy Theme Classroom Décor

I finally put all my bits and pieces of classroom décor together into an actual packet!!  I created EVERY single piece for my classroom.  It all started simply.  I wanted to make a super cute puppy inspired room with lots of blues, browns, blacks, and greys. I wanted it to be soothing.


So I started with the table labels.  I had the table tubs in every rainbow color.  I wanted to reuse them and let’s face it, in first grade it makes life simpler when you can call “red table”, and so on.  I updated them with a gingham background for this school year. 
Hurry!!! Go to the Party store right now and pick up some 16 inch fans!  (They were on clearance!! $1.25 each!)  Print out the labels and then hot glue them on. 

Last year I used solid colors.  If you want the solid color background, they are a forever freebie on my TPT site. 


Then I needed Word Wall cards.  So I made some really simple brown ones with the Chevron border.  They look great on my blue word wall!  The first thing we do is to take pictures in front of the blue word wall.  Then we hang up everyone’s picture and name on the second day of school.


Then I turned my attention to my class library.  (Hello, my name is Kim, I have a book addiction.)  Did I mention, my mom is a retired librarian?  I cannot stand the thought of my little firsties not having a great book selection.  So, I go book crazy and add to our library ALL the time!!  The library could be a beast, but not in my room!!  I have every bin labeled and every book sorted by category.  Books and bins get matching stickers/dots. 

As I was updating all my new books with stickers/dots, I thought, gosh these bins are gross!! This is when I had an epiphany ~~ BLACK tubs would look so much nicer than my dirty, scuffed up white tubs.  Of course this step of the redo involved me going to 5 different Wal-marts to find enough tubs! Clearly I could not reuse my old library labels on the brand new black bins, so I got started making new labels.  Voila!  Puppy library labels!!

Here are the categories I have


Seriously, I know I have a problem.


With all the cutie patootie puppy stuff happening I needed to update my teacher area.  I have a bazillion tiny little storage drawers.  (I had them before Pinterst had all those great teacher tool drawer thingys.)  My old labels were from a label maker can you say boring!!  I quick whipped up some puppy backgrounds and I was labelling everything.  Here’s a snap shot of some of my storage boxes.  (I hoard things.)


I then realized I needed a way to keep track of our dismissal.  I don’t know about you, but our dismissal is an event.  Kids are moving in all sorts of directions!  And our parents have the nerve to change it at the last minute!  I decided to make some posters to hang by the door.  I laminated them and I can write on them with a vis a vis or dry erase marker.  It is really helpful for subs! 


Our kids have lockers in the hallway.  I made locker number labels for my kiddos.  Numbering the lockers makes it easy for me to put a stray coat away, check a back pack or put away someone’s lunch box. 


With all the awesomeness going on, the front of my classroom under the white board seemed bare.  So I quickly created my math posters.  The kids sit on the floor so I put them at their eye level! 

How about behavior?  We use the behavior clip chart.  I am very careful to keep this out of public view.  I put it on the side of the file cabinet that can not be seen from our doorway.  Each student has a numbered magnet that can be moved up or down as needed.


Finally, I decided to make a name tag.  I wanted everything to be cohesive.  More puppies!  I thought I would share these with you!

But wait!!!  There’s more!  I made awesome binder covers for my binders.  I couldn’t keep those boring solid white covers.  I spruced up some of my dull binders with new covers!

 I am putting the whole set on sale this week!!  It's twenty percent off!



Want to win $20 from Amazon? 

Check out my Guided Math post from June 19th!
 Guided Math

While I am working with small math groups I am going to have my other students work at math centers.  These "Van"tastic math centers are perfect for practicing math skills.  I created them to reinforce math fluency, fact families, re-grouping, and comparing numbers!
See them in action!


I am putting it on sale for the next week, 20% off! 

Check it out!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Guided Math Chapter 4

Hmmmmm..  How much of my instruction is whole class?  I would have to say almost all.

Our school district uses enVision, and we are required to implement it with fidelity.  Thus, I have a very structured routine.  Students begin on the rug, in their assigned seat, next to their talking partner.  I introduce a topic and give them a task.  This is an introduction to our skill for the day.  Students then move to their seats.  Depending on the day students may work alone, with a partner (shoulder or across the street) or with their entire table.  This goes on for 10 to 15 minutes.  Then they come back to the rug for a visual learning, video provided by enVision.  During the video I stop and discuss key pieces.  Students may turn and talk to their partner depending on my instruction.  When we have gotten through the video/instructional piece, I send students back to their seats.  This is where I can begin to pull small groups during the guided practice portion of the lesson.  I am super fortunate to have had an ELL aide and a paraprofessional in my room during math.  My ELL aide pulls a small group of 4-5 students to the back table.  My paraprofessional takes 2 sometimes 3 students into our office area for less distractions.  This leaves me between 10 and 12 students.  I do a few problems with the group, and send my high fliers on their way.
(My high fliers, finish quickly and I give them math games to practice skills already taught. )
I stick with the group and release a few more after two more problems.  Then I stick with the 4-5 students that need additional support.  I can re-teach and remediate. 
I use this routine every day, since it is "required" by our district.

I use whole group instruction E-V-E-R-Y day.  I start with it and then break into smaller groups, later in my math instruction.  It may not be ideal, but has been effective.  I do make sure our introductory activity is completed in small groups or with partners.  Also, after the video lesson, we do break into small groups.  I know I am not as fortunate as all teachers to have 2 adults that are in my room nearly every day. 
Next year, is a new story, as I have no idea if I will have any other help.  
I plan to use Guided Math during the instructional/guided practice portion of my lesson. That way I will be able to give support to those that need extra help.  I can differentiate the lesson for my high fliers to keep them learning too!
I am working to incorporate a "Math Huddle" into my day.  I love using the calendar time to start as a springboard.  I also plan to use more mathematical literature.  
Some of my favorites are
Measuring Penny
Tally O'Malley
Two of Everything
A Fair Bear Share
Which book is your favorite?
Leave me your favorite math read aloud in the comments!