Thursday, June 26, 2014

Guided Math Chapter 5

I think the use of small groups impacts my teaching in a positive manner.  Working with small flexible groups (guided reading) has helped my students become fluent readers, so it only makes sense that small math groups would help my students acquire math skills.

If you are following along, you know that my school district uses enVision.  I have been using it to teach for the past 3 years.  I love it!!  I do use whole group instruction, but I break things down into groups based on student need.  Next year I am hoping to do even more!  This means I need even more organization and planning.  I know that I will need high quality activities for students that are not working with me.  This means I need to get on it!! 
I did get 5 apple themed math centers ready for the beginning of the year. I have practice counting by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s.  Addition and Subtraction fluency 0-20, comparing numbers using; numerals, tens and ones, tally marks, dice and dominoes, and just for fun a Bump game!  I will be giving one away, make sure you enter the Rafflecopter!

I work for a large suburban school district.  We have a large number of beginning of year assessments, mid year assessments, and end of year assessments.  All known to my co-workers as BOY, MOY, and EOY.  My district loves acronyms! 
That's the tip of the assessment iceberg!  I have MTSS intervention screenings, student work samples, student observations, and formal classroom assessments.  I can disaggregate data in my sleep.

I feel like I can use some of my required assessments to make flexible groups.  I hope that using small groups will further my students math learning!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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